multi state cooperative society registration
Management of a Multi State Cooperative Society: -. No part of the funds, other than net profits of a multi state cooperative society act shall be divided by means of reward or dividend or otherwise distributed among its members. In case of multi state cooperative societies which do not have share capital, the surplus of income over expenditure should not be treated as net revenues and such surplus will be dealt with in accordance with the bye-laws. A multi state cooperative society shall, out of its net earnings in any year move an amount not less than twenty-five percent to the reserve fund, credit one percent to cooperative academic training fund kept by the National Co-operative Union of India Limited, New Delhi or transfer a quantity not less than 10 percent to a reserve fund for conference unanticipated losses. Time Taken for registration: -. Generally, the maximum period for a multi state cooperative society registration is 4 months. In case, the application receives an...